President's Letter

21 Jun 2024 11:44 AM | Jessie Graham (Administrator)

Hi VAGARA members,

I hope this edition finds you enjoying the first few weeks of summer!  In case you've missed the many emails, conference 2024 planning is in full-swing!  The VAGARA Board and the Conference Committee are working hard to make this the best event yet. Thanks to those who provided feedback about your attendance plans and topics of interest via the survey that went out earlier this year. Our goal is to create the best conference experience possible, and we hope you will attend. Mark your calendars for October 23-25 and plan to join us. Registration opens on July 8!

Welcome to all the new members and a big "thank you!" to those who renewed memberships recently.  Our membership numbers continue to increase and it's our goal to attract and retain members through purposeful interaction and education.  If you joined or renewed before April 1, you are eligible to apply for the Connis O. Brown conference scholarship.  If attending the conference presents a financial hardship for your agency or locality, please consider applying. 

We are also accepting nominations for Outstanding Member and Vendor of the Year. We can only recognize folks if we receive applications and nominations, so send some our way!  If you have records and information management vendors you work closely with and might be interested in exhibiting this year, please direct them to our Exhibitors page for more information on how to get in on the conference fun.  Exhibitor registration is already open!

Keep an eye out for more emails about the conference, scholarship, and awards as we get closer to registration!

As always, thank you for your continued support!

Jessie Graham
VAGARA President

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