Members have the opportunity to nominate an outstanding member or vendor annually. This award is given to an individual and/or a business that has made significant contributions to the fields of archives or records management. Recipients are honored at the annual conference. OUTSTANDING MEMBER AWARDNominated members must meet a minimum of three of the five criteria components. |
LEADERSHIPThe profession recognizes the nominated individual as a prominent figure for developing and/or coordinating presentations, meetings, seminars, workshops, or classes. They are a Certified Records Manager (CRM) or a leader in a professional organization associated with the fields of records management and/or archives. ACTIVITIES PARTICIPATIONThe nominated individual takes part in professional activities. They make contributions that help promote, strengthen, and improved the organization, or support and promote the organization to others. SCHOLARSHIPThe nominated individual develops and leads quality presentations, training sessions, or classes. They write articles or contribute to the organization newsletter. They are a member of a special interest group or contribute to professional standards by enhancing learning opportunities for fellow professionals. ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONThe nominated individual contributes original work that supports the field, such as development and introduction of a records management manual, information policy, or new technology in the workplace. They may publish books, pamphlets, or monographs. WORKING CONTRIBUTIONSThe profession recognizes the nominated individual for their contributes to the field. This may be through outstanding work in the development of records retention schedules, a vital record, archival, or reformatting program, or development of an electronic records program, among other activities. | Past Recipients Include: |
OUTSTANDING VENDOR AWARDVendors nominated for this award must have made significant contributions in support of the association's mission by promoting and contributing to the fields of archives and records management. |